Monday, August 4, 2008

Grocery Store Trip

Today I took the kids out for the first time by myself. It wasn't as bad as it could have been, but it was pretty stressful. I had to go grocery shopping and was going to do it last night and then Ady vomited all over me, so my entire evening consisted of taking a shower with Will and then with Ady. Then I had to clean up her room and get her back to sleep. Then she didn't sleep. So, I missed my opportunity to go to the grocery store last night.

Anyway, I put both kids in one cart and then pulled another cart behind me for the groceries. It worked out pretty well because the store wasn't very busy. Will was kind of being a little pistol as he kept pulling on Ady's carseat and making it rock and move around. She was awake the entire time and didn't cry or fuss. She was however, getting pretty annoyed with her big brother because he wouldn't leave her alone.

I managed to get the kids to the store, all the shopping done, groceries loaded in the car, drove home, unloaded the car, unloaded the kids, and put the groceries away without a single meltdown from either child!! YEAH!!

1 comment:

Tracie said...

Wow! That is a big feat to accomplish. When I took my oldest two to the store (before Matthew-I don't remember how I managed with three), I would put Nick in the snuggli thing that you wear. He loved it and would usually fall asleep. It took a little getting use to how to pick things up, etc. with a baby hanging in front. He hated his car seat so it worked pretty good.:)