Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Potty Training

Well, we have started potty training Will this week. He has been taking off his diaper, so we decided that it is time. We bought a little potty for him and he is really excited about it. He is not scared of it (which he is of the big toilet, I tried that first before we bought the little one) and is willing to go every time I ask. He hasn't gone potty on it yet, but he sits on it for a couple of minutes about every hour. I know it is going to be time consuming, but once he is trained, it will be so nice to not have two babies in diapers! We are starting with pull-ups right now and then will go to underware when he gets the hang of the potty. I just can't believe that my baby is getting to be such a big boy!!!

Addie is growing and gaining weight everyday. She was pretty easy in the beginning, but has now gotten really gassy and fussy. She has about three or four hours a day of just crying and then usually in the middle of the night around 3:00 am, she gets really fussy for about 2-3 hours. It is pretty exhuasting, but I know that it won't last forever (thank goodness!!). We were really spoiled with Will as he was such an easy baby, so she is throwing us for a loop!

1 comment:

Rindie said...

I hope she gets less fussy for you guys and good luck with the potty training! :)