Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Working on patience....

Ok, so the world of Tivo and DVR's have ruined my children. We were watching a cartoon the other day and a comercial for a new Batman show came on and Will wanted to watch it right then. We had a heck of a time explaining to him that we can't watch it right now, that it isn't on until Friday and that he has to wait for three days. He went over and got the remote for the TV and said, no right now and pointed to the menu button. It is unreal how technology has changed the way we do everything. It is also unreal how it is changing the way our children function.

Will still doesn't quite understand that we can't watch it until Friday, but at least we got him to stop crying. I got a calendar (well, my computer calendar as we no longer own a paper calendar) out and showed him that today was Tuesday, and we counted the days until Friday when the show would be on. It made him feel better, but I still don't think he gets it.

We will see how it goes until Friday.....

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