Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Adalynn Quivette Bollinger

Addie was born at 10:15 am today. She weighed 7 lbs 6 ozs and was 20 inches long. She has tons of black hair and is a little tiny thing!! So far she is a pretty fiesty baby with a great set of lungs. The grandparents could hear her screaming from the OR out in the waiting room! She is eating like a champ and has been sleeping most of the afternoon. I got about an hour of rest with her and that was really nice. She is currently sleeping in her daddy's arms and we are just soaking up every minute with her!

Will was pretty indifferent about his new baby sister. He just kind of looked at her and had better things to do around here! He didn't stay very long as there are too many things for him to get into here. We will probably bring him back tomorrow afternoon after he has had a nap to spend a little more quality time with his new baby sissy!

We are thrilled and blessed! We will be posting pictures tonight and will let you know the address as soon as we get them done!!

1 comment:

Rindie said...

Congratulations! I can not wait to see pictures. :)
Rest up and let us know when we can visit. :)