Monday, July 21, 2008

18 month & 2 month updates

Will's appointment was first. He weighs 24 pounds (25%) and is 33 1/2 inches (90%) long. He is finally gaining a little bit of weight, but has also grown three and a half inches in the last six months!! The doctor was happy with his development and was really surprised at how he communicates and was glad that he is gaining more words everyday! He is up to about 25 words now and communicates really well non-verbally. He is adding more everyday and really understands how to use the words that he does know.

Ady's appointment was second. She weighs 10.8 pounds and is 24 inches long. She is right at 50% for her weight and about 90% for height. The doctor was pleased that she is gaining well with her acid reflux. She did change Ady's medication again so that we don't have to refrigerate it anymore. She is on Previcid which is once a day for now! She also has eczema, which may be related to a milk allergy. The doctor does not know whether it is an allergy or if it is from just being dry from all of her acne. We are treating it with cortizone right now and a really heavy moisturizer and it seems to be going away. Hopefully we will get her on track in the next couple of months! The doctor thinks that she will start taking a turn for the better in the about four or five weeks (as far as her acid reflux and colic). We are still just taking it day by day!!

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