Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Update of Will & Ady

Sorry it has been so long since I have updated the blog, but it just doesn't seem like I have a free minute during the day and I am too tired at night to even think about looking at the computer!

Will is just getting over some kind of bug he got when we got home from the lake. He had a 105.2 fever for a couple of days followed by some pretty bad diarrhrea. It was not fun....I hate when he is sick! He just wants to be held all of the time and it breaks my heart that I can't.
He is doing much better this week and even got some kid time this past weekend. We went to a birthday party and he made lots of new friends.

Ady is still struggling with her acid reflux and still has colic on top of that. She does a lot of crying all day long. I feel so bad that I can't console her and I have come to grips with her crying. I can now actually just leave her in the swing or the bouncy seat and let her cry instead of trying to hold her all of the time. It has helped both of us I think! She seems to be getting better with the acid reflux....we have gotten into a pretty good routine with the medicine and I think she is learning that she can't eat for 15-30 minutes after she takes it. She also doesn't fight me in taking it anymore. So, hopefully she grows out of the colic in the next month or so and we can have some peace around here!! HAHA!

We decided that we are taking a trip to Nebraska next month so we can see my family and friends. We are going to try to make the 12 hour drive all in one day.....we are actually giving ourselves a couple of days to make it in case we can't take Ady's crying for the entire trip. We will be out there for two weeks! I am so excited to have the help of my parents in caring for the kids! I may actually get to spend some quality time with Will and with Brad. We haven't had a moment to ourselves since Ady was born, so we would like to take an evening out when we are there!

Other than that, nothing too new to report. We do have Ady's 2 month doctor's appointment and Will's 18 month doctor's appointment tomorrow morning. I will report on their growth and development according to the doctor!!


Tracie said...

I feel so sorry for Will! Atlease he didn't have a fever and swimmers itch!
Hope to see you soon,

Tracie said...

Hi Julie,

As you can see, Emily has her own blog and uses my account to do that and to post comments too.

I am glad that you are getting into some sort of routine--my heart goes out to you because I really know what you are going through:) Going to visit your family will be wonderful!! Enjoy your trip