Sunday, September 28, 2008

Adalynn's 4 month update

We had Ady's four month checkup last week. She gained a couple of pounds, she is now weighing in at a whole 13 lbs 10 ozs and is 25 inches long. The doctor was really surprised at how steady and strong she is on her feet and that she is so mobile already. She had a hard time keeping Ady on the table to do her exam! Ady kept wanting to roll over and off the table and then when she was on her back, she would arch all the way up on to her head and her heels. It was really funny to watch.

I just can't believe how much she is changing and how fast. I don't really remember this stage with Will because we missed so much with him being in daycare. Ady is very social and loves to be talked to. She "talks" all of the time and squeals and laughs at Will whenever he looks at her or walks by her. She loves to watch him and her daddy. She really likes it when I sing to her and she will "sing" along with me.

She is pretty much growing out of her fussiness...however, we have been having a few struggling nights lately. I am not sure if she is growing or what, but she has been waking up every half hour to hour all night long. It makes for little sleep for me!! She was sleeping through the night for at least 10-12 hours before this. She has also been fussy with eating, so I am not sure what is going on with her. I think she will always be my mystery baby!!

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