Monday, September 22, 2008

McDonald's Playland

Today we went with my neighbor Tori and her two boys, Logan and Cooper to McDonald's Playland for lunch. Will has never been in a playland or a McDonald's for that matter!

After he ate some french fries he wanted to get down and go check out the playland. He went right to the stairs and crawled up to the platform, however, he was hesitant to go inside. He wasn't quite sure of what to expect. I put him up inside (it is all enclosed tunnels) and he kind of freaked out a little so I just let him discover for himself.

After a little while and watching Logan play, he decided that it was time to head inside. He did fine and he could see us through some of the holes and the bottom level. Well, after a little while, he got more brave and decided to head up. I couldn't see him and wasn't too worried about it, and all of a sudden I see him at the very top looking down at me. He had a terrified look on his face so I tried to smile and wave and not make a big deal out of it. I got the camera out and took pictures of he and Logan and was keeping it fun for him.

Well, he didn't think it was too fun. He melted down and Logan was trying to help him out by pulling on his arms (Logan is only 2 1/2). That didn't work, so I had to crawl inside the silly thing and go up and get him! I can see why he was freaking out...that thing was confusing...all of the tunnels kept leading to more tunnels and it didn't feel like we were getting anywhere. We finally got to the slide (the one at the very top!) and got down. Will wasn't too thrilled about going back in and playing.

I think we will try again sometime down the road, but for now, I think we will probably stay away on the ground floor at Playland!!

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