We decided to take the kids to the Como Zoo on Friday. Brad had the day off due to all of the overtime that he put in during the week. We could not have picked a more perfect day to go as far as the weather was concerned. It was absolutely beautiful.
We got there around 10:30 and it was already buzzing. We first say flamingos and then headed over to the "primates" exhibit. Will loved the monkeys (he kept doing his "ooo, aaaa" monkey sounds, it was so cute!!!). They had two gorillas and we were about 100 feet from them. I was amazed at how HUGE they were. I have never seen a gorilla that close and Brad was amazed as well. After the monkeys, we went over to see two zebras and three giraffes (they stink!!). Will has a book that has both in them and he kept saying, "wow" as we were walking by. I think he was a little overwhelmed and didn't really know what to think.
Brad took Will up to see the lions and the tigers. We got there just in time to see them throw bones down to them and they were out in the open so that we could see them. Will did his best "roar" down to them. We also saw wolves, seals, fish, bison, and random birds all over.
This zoo was a little underwhelming for me. I was expecting something much bigger and with more animals. I grew up going to the Omaha zoo and had much greater expectations of this zoo. However, it was nice because I don't think the kids were really ready for that big of a zoo and we spent two hours and saw everything to see at the Como Zoo. It was long enough. We are excited to take the kids to the Omaha Zoo next year!!
We got there around 10:30 and it was already buzzing. We first say flamingos and then headed over to the "primates" exhibit. Will loved the monkeys (he kept doing his "ooo, aaaa" monkey sounds, it was so cute!!!). They had two gorillas and we were about 100 feet from them. I was amazed at how HUGE they were. I have never seen a gorilla that close and Brad was amazed as well. After the monkeys, we went over to see two zebras and three giraffes (they stink!!). Will has a book that has both in them and he kept saying, "wow" as we were walking by. I think he was a little overwhelmed and didn't really know what to think.
Brad took Will up to see the lions and the tigers. We got there just in time to see them throw bones down to them and they were out in the open so that we could see them. Will did his best "roar" down to them. We also saw wolves, seals, fish, bison, and random birds all over.
This zoo was a little underwhelming for me. I was expecting something much bigger and with more animals. I grew up going to the Omaha zoo and had much greater expectations of this zoo. However, it was nice because I don't think the kids were really ready for that big of a zoo and we spent two hours and saw everything to see at the Como Zoo. It was long enough. We are excited to take the kids to the Omaha Zoo next year!!
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